Pineapple sorbet

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Beat the summer heat, and quench your thirst with this sorbet. The texture reminds me of the dollar icey they sell during the summer. Very satisfying.

This sorbet is looking PINE!!!

1 pineapple
1 1/2 cup of water
1 1/2 cup of sugar
1 tbsp of almond extract

Let’s get started!!!

Sorbets are easy to do. First, peel and dice your pineapple; and freeze them for about for an hour. Right after that make the simple syrup. Simple syrup is equal parts water and sugar. In this recipe I am using one and a half cups for each. Mix the sugar in the water and let it come to a boil. Once it starts boiling, turn off the flame and pour in the almond extract. Set aside to cool completely.

When the pineapple is frozen, in a blender, blend the frozen pineapple with the cooled syrup until smooth. Pour it in a container and freeze for at least four hours; preferably overnight.

After that, just use an ice cream scoop to serve.

Enjoy your sorbet
Thank you for your time!!!