Carrot-chan pie

There was an online challenge to make a spring animal inspired pie. As I thought about if I were to take the challenge what design I would want to make, the classic bunny came to mind. But that idea is so overuse and it’s something that doesn’t reflects my personality. So, I thought about any

Griyo (Haitian fried pork)

Griyo. That Haitian fried pork! I have met people who says they don’t like griyo. Those people don’t deserve to be Haitian. Griyo is our national meat alongside some pikliz, and rice and red beans that forms our national meal. Griyo is such a delicacy. I don’t even think I need to tell you how

Pecan tart (vegan)

This tart is great in many ways. It’s vegan, cruelty-free, has healthy fats and not too sweet. I enjoyed it very much, and I hope that you will too. Is this tart PECAN (piquing) your curiosity yet?!! Ingredients:For the crust:1 cup of flour 1/3 cup of coconut oila pinch of salt For the filling: 2/3

Chokola cho (Haitian hot chocolate)

Growing up in Haiti, hot chocolate was a classic for breakfast or supper. I loved it, and still love it to this day. Whenever I’m making it, the smell of chocolate envelop the house, and I am filled with a nostalgic feeling. But no matter how good Haitian hot chocolate is, in my opinion, it’s

Beignets (Haitian style)

The classic beignet, a French recipe, is known widely around the world. And the Haitians also have their own version of this heavenly snack. But, this recipe here that I shared is not exactly the Haitian version, nor is it the French version; it’s more of a hybrid between the two recipes. Personally, I prefer