Mango juice

It doesn’t get any fresher than this. This juice was also surprisingly filling. Make yourself some mango juice for the win! This juice is MANGOnificent!!! Ingredients:4 mangoes2 tbsp of fresh ginger2 cups of coconut water1 tbsp of almond extract Let’s get started!!! This is a very easy and fast drink to get ready. Peel and

Grape chia jam

Grape jam/jelly is my favorite. I just love it too much; specially in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I’ve only had one small problem with it: it’s too sweet. As a kid, of course that wasn’t an issue. But as a grown up who reduces sugar in everything that I eat, the regular jelly

Beet hummus

Beet hummus, also known as pink hummus is an earthly succulent little spread. As a kid I hated beets; but now it is one of my favorite root vegetables. And I also adore the color. Usually something this bright and pink would be taken for dessert, but no! There are many way to eat a