Ever since I was a kid I used to see this dessert on condensed milk’s can, and I always wanted to make one. So, I was very excited about making this dessert. And the taste did not disappoint.
Do you call it crème caramel or flan??
1 tsp of vanilla paste
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/4 tsp of salt
4 tbsp of sugar for the custard
1 cup of heavy cream
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of sugar for the caramel
3 tbsp of water
Let’s get started!!!
Preheat the oven at 300 degrees F
First, spray non-stick spray in your ramekins. Start boiling the water for the bain-marie that will be use later on. In a pan on low heat, add the sugar and water for the caramel. DO NOT stir the caramel with anything. Just swirl the pan around when the caramel starts to turn into an amber color, so all of it can brown together. Share the caramel equally in each ramekin. Set aside while making the custard.
Start with the custard. In a pot on low flame, warm the milk and cream. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t scorch. Add salt and sugar to the milk mixture, and mix them in. In the meantime, cream the egg and egg yolks with the vanilla paste. When the milk mixture is warm enough, pour the warm milk to the eggs, SLOWLY while constantly whisking the eggs.
Separate the custard in each ramekin equally. Pour the hot bain-marie water to a big pan, put the ramekins in the bigger pan. And bake at 300 degrees for 50 minutes. When an inserted knife from the middle of the custard comes out clean, then it’s done baking.
Serve warm or cold
Enjoy your food
Thank you for your time