Candy apples

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Candy apples are a regular dessert around the time for Halloween. I love the fact that it is such a versatile dessert. You can decorate it in anyway you can imagine in terms of color and/or toppings. I chose to keep mine simple.

Do you like candy apples??

Apples of your choice
1 1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of corn syrup
1/2 cup of water
white food color
black food color

Let’s get started!!!

First, make sure that the apples are washed and completely dry. You can choose any type of apples that you prefer. I made about a dozens apples.

Start the sugar mixture by mixing the sugar, corn syrup and water together in a pot. Put the pot on high heat and wait until it starts to boil. In the meantime, take the stem out of the apples. Push a candy stick into each apple. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

When the sugar mixture starts to boil, check the temperature with a thermometer. It should reach between 250 degrees F to 300 degrees F for the sugar mixture to set into hard candy. Once it has reach the desire temperature, turn off the heat and add the food colors.

First, mix in the white food color. If you don’t want to use white, that’s fine but the candy will be transparent on the apple and not opaque. After that mix in the black food color. They have to be gel food color. When mixing the colors in, try not to mix too vigorously to avoid incorporating bubbles in there.

Using the candy stick, roll the apple in the candy mixture, and sit the apples on parchment paper to set. It will set hard fast. So will the candy mixture in the pot. If you don’t want the candy mixture in the pot to set too fast, keep it on a low heat.

Enjoy your treat
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