Golden milk pudding

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If you love golden milk, you will love this chia pudding. But if you haven’t tried golden milk yet, it has a warm tone due to the ginger, earthy flavor due to the turmeric, and the black pepper is there to help your body absorb the turmeric better.

Thanks for pudding up with me!!!

1 cup of plant-based milk
2 tbsp of ginger
1 tsp of turmeric
1/4 cup of chia pudding
1/4 cup of sugar for the pudding
1/4 tsp of black pepper
1/2 tsp of almond extract
1 cup of blueberries
1/4 cup of sugar for the blueberries
1/4 tsp of vanilla extract

Let’s get started!!!

Start by making the golden milk. Grate the fresh ginger. Put the ginger, milk (I am using almond milk), turmeric powder and black pepper in a pot on low heat. When the milk starts to simmer, whisk them in. Add in the sugar (1/4 cup) and stir it in the milk. After that, pour in the milk on the chia seeds and add in the almond extract. Mix them together and let the chia pudding sit for at least 4 hours or overnight, in the fridge.

Next is to make the blueberry puree. Blend the blueberries in a blender until they are smooth. Strain the puree and add one tablespoon of water. Mix in the sugar and the vanilla extract.

The next step is to assemble the pudding. I served it as a dessert to my guest, but it is usually eaten as breakfast or snack. You can stick some thin fruit slices to the side of your cup. Spoon in the chia pudding. Pour in the blueberry puree, and top with some fruits.

Thank you for watching