Crème brûlée

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Here lies before you the classic crème brûlée. An easy dessert that requires little ingredients but has a lot in flavor. And in the recipe, I explain a little trick on how to burn the sugar without a blow torch.

4 egg yolks
2 cups of heavy cream
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp of vanilla extract

Let’s get started!!!

Start by boiling the water for the bain-marie for later use. In the meantime, warm up the heavy cream on a low flame. Preheat the oven at 300 degrees F. Next cream the egg yolks with sugar, a pinch of salt and the vanilla extract. Whip the egg yolks until they become a very light yellow and have doubled in size. Slowly pour in the warm heavy cream in the egg yolks while stirring constantly (to void the eggs curdling).

Pour the boiling bain-marie water in a large pan. Place a pan sheet under the large pan for easy carrying. Pour the custard in ramekins in equal proportions and place them inside the large pan with the boiling water. Bake them until the custards are set, about 30-40 minutes.

When they are done, remove the ramekins from the water bath and let them cool down at room temperature.

For the burnt sugar part, I chose to use brown sugar but traditionally white sugar is used. Sprinkle the sugar on top of the custard and if you have a blow torch and know how to use it safely, then burn the sugar on top. If you don’t have a blow torch or is too young to use it, you can use the broil option in the toaster oven or regular oven. Place the ramekins under the broiler, using a pan sheet as a pedestal, to burn the sugar for five minutes. After taking them out under the broiler, let the sugar become hard and has cool down before digging into it.

Enjoy your dessert
Thank you for your time!!!