Beet hummus

Beet hummus, also known as pink hummus is an earthly succulent little spread. As a kid I hated beets; but now it is one of my favorite root vegetables. And I also adore the color. Usually something this bright and pink would be taken for dessert, but no! There are many way to eat a

Baked sweet potatoes fries

A yummy alternative to your usual homemade fries. These bake sweet potatoes are healthy and filling. Let’s get started!!! Ingredients:3 sweet potatoes1 tsp of turmeric1 tsp of garlic powder1 tsp of chili powder1/2 tsp of black peppersalt to taste1/4 cup of coconut oil1 tbsp of cornstarch Before any sorts of cooking is done, the first

Black humus

Black is my favorite color, so when I see it in food I get really happy and excited to try it. This black humus is not different in flavor to the regular humus. I simply prefer it because of the color. Once you go black, you never go back. Ingredients:For the tahini:1/2 cup of sesame

Burger buns

The very loved burger buns, with the classic sesame seeds. It was a nice bread. Except, I was too greedy. Instead of making 8 breads, I made 6. Tchuips!!!! I would have had more bread. Don’t make the same mistake. My mouth don’t want none unless you got buns, hun!!! Ingredients:1 egg 2 1/2 cups