Hasselback sweet potato

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A hasselback sweet potato is like baked potato chips stuck together. It is a great and tasty, but simple side dish. Don’t limit yourself; be creative in the flavors you can give the sweet potato.

4 sweet potatoes
1 tbsp of fresh rosemary
3-4 cloves of garlic
salt to taste
1/2 tsp of turmeric
1 cup of olive oil

Let’s get started!!!

Prepare the oil first. In a pan on low heat, pour the olive oil, add the rosemary, crushed garlic and turmeric to the oil and let it come to a simmer, about five minutes. When the oil starts simmering, turn off the flame, and start working on the sweet potatoes.

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F

When buying the sweet potatoes for this recipe, making sure that they are organic is important since the skin of the potatoes will be consumed. When you’re ready to start cooking them, give them a good wash and scrub.

Make sure that the potatoes can sit flat. If they cannot, simply cut off a small part on their bottom to help them sit flat. Slice the potatoes thinly, but don’t cut all the way through. Even though the potato is sliced, make sure that it stays as one piece of potato.

When done, brush the flavored oil on the potatoes. Be generous with it. Brush all over the potatoes and in between the slices. Put them in the oven for about 30 minutes. After the first 30 minutes, take them out, brush them again with the oil and sprinkle some salt all over them. Put them back in the oven for another 30 minutes, or until they are completely cooked through.

Serve warm.

Thank you for your time!!!