Pasta with gorgonzola cheese

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This is a simple pasta dish to put together, but it’s on the heavy side. Leave your diet out the door when making this recipe. Keep in mind that the quantities for this recipe is for 2 boxes of pasta. If you are making one box, just half every amount in the list of ingredients.

Let’s get started!!!

24 oz of a long pasta
8 oz of gorgonzola cheese
2 cups of heavy cream
10 bacon slices
16 oz of green peas
2 cups of fresh basil
a few bay leaves
1 tsp of chili powder
1 tsp of black pepper
salt to taste

First start boiling the pasta water. Add at least one tablespoon of salt in the water with a few bay leaves. Place on high heat and let it come to a boil. In the meantime dice the bacon slices. When the water starts to boil, add in the pasta. I prefer a long pasta with this recipe; I am using fettuccine pasta. Cook the pasta al dente, according to its packaging instruction. When the pasta is done cooking, set aside a cup of that pasta water, take the bay leaves out, and then strain it.

The next step is to put a large pot on medium/high heat and add in the bacon. Let the bacon cook to a crisp, or however soft you want it. It will give off its own oil. I used all of that oil in the dish, but if that’s too much for you, take some of the oil out. While the bacon is cooking, chop the basil. When the bacon is done cooking, add in the peas, chili powder and black pepper; mix them in and let it cook for about two minutes. After that, pour in the heavy cream and diced gorgonzola cheese. Let the cheese melt. At that point taste the salt and see if you want more or not. And when the cream comes to a simmer, add in the chopped basil and the cooked pasta. Mix them well in the sauce. If the sauce is too thick, pour in the pasta water to thin it out.

Serve warm

Enjoy your food
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