Sharingan cookies (red velvet sugar cookies) (vegan)

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I have wanted to make those Sharingan red velvet sugar cookies for years! I made an attempt a few years ago, and I failed miserably. Now at my second attempt, I am satisfied to share what I made.

There is a long list of different Sharingan eyes that appeared on the Naruto show, but most people only pay attention to Itachi, Sasuke, Madara and Obito/Kakashi’s pattern. Some remember that Shisui has a special pattern compare to everyone else’s. My favorite eyes are those of the great Sasuke sama. Yes, I am a Sasuke fangirl.

I am not going into details about the different Sharingan eyes that appeared in the show. If you do want the details of the different patterns, watch the YouTube video that I referred to for information, by Kai Mazaku. The video is below.

Let’s awaken our own edible Sharingan eyes!

Ingredients needed:
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
3/4 cup of cocoa powder
1 tsp of baking powder
1/4 cup of plant-based milk (I am using coconut milk)
Red food coloring
1 tbsp of vanilla extract
1 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of vinegar
1 cup of vegan butter (2 sticks)
2 cups of dark chocolate chips

Sift all the dry ingredients together (baking powder, sugar, cocoa powder, flour). That will take the lumps out of the ingredients and make them smooth. And mix them well together. It’s important to mix well because you want to make sure that the baking powder is disperse all over.

My favorite eyes are Sasuke’s eyes.

Melt the butter. I am using my homemade vegan butter. Whisk all the wet ingredients together. Whisk the milk, vinegar and salt together first to allow the salt to melt. And then whisk in the melted butter. Add the red food color and whisk it in. Keep in mind that the red hue will become darker due to the cocoa powder in the recipe.

Mix the flour mixture into the liquid in 2 parts; it will allow the flour to mix into the liquid part better. It will come into a dough. Knead the dough real quick for a minute, just to allow the whole thing to come together. Cut that dough in half, and let them rest in the fridge for an hour.

After the dough has firmed up in the fridge, take it out to roll it. Roll the dough to 1 inch or 1/2 an inch thick; don’t roll it out too thin. In my experience thicker cookies are better than thinner ones.

After rolling, cut out the desired shape. I am using my circle cookie cutters for the Sharingan eyes. I used 2 different size cutters. The small one for the basic Tomoe patterns, and the stripe design I made. The bigger cutter is for the Mangekyoo Sharingan eyes. And I made one huge cookie for Sasuke sama’s eternal Mangekyoo Sharingan.

Put the cutout dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Or just grease the baking sheet before putting the cutouts on it. Let them firm up in the fridge for 15 minutes. This step is important because it will ensure that the cookies keep their shape while baking. I got 45 cookies out of this batch.

Both Madara’s eternal Mangekyoo Sharingan and just the Mangekyoo Sharingan

Take the cookie dough out of the fridge and put them in a preheated oven at 350 degrees F for 10-12 minutes. When you take them out of the oven, they will still be soft, but will firm up as they cool down. Let the cookies cool down completely before decorating them.

To decorate the cookies, I am using dark chocolate. Icing glaze could be used and probably would have looked better and smoother, but I thought the chocolate would be tastier than the icing glaze.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or on a bain-marie. And pour the chocolate in a piping bag and cut the end of the bag to pipe the chocolate. It’s better if the hole you cut is small, that way you’ll have a better control over how the chocolate flows out.

Visuals with designs are always good, so, I printed out all of the Sharingan eyes. Before starting each Sharingan pattern, I lightly scored each cookie with a knife so that when I am piping the chocolate, it should easier to make the eye design. After that, I just piped the chocolate as I see it in the printed paper. Let them set in the fridge for 5 minutes so that the chocolate can firm up.

Do you watch Naruto?? What’s your favorite Sharingan eyes and why??

Obito and Kakasisensei’s eye
and Shisui’s eyes

If the Sharingan eyes are not in your interest, you can decorate the cookies however you like; or you can leave them naked, they taste great as well plain.

Enjoy your treat
Thank you for your time